The Value of RIIA®

What Will You Receive from RIIA in the Next 10 Years?

Looking forward from our 10th anniversary in 2015, RIIA’s next decade will focus on the institutionalization of the lessons from our members’ business and in the context of developing regulations.

RIIA membership will help you:

Position your business to better meet the emerging compliance challenges

  • To support its members and its Retirement Management Analyst® (RMA®) certificate holders, RIIA is applying its content, e.g. The Procedural Prudence mapSM, to solve emerging regulatory issues in addition to the demographic issues

Grow your business with client-focused advisors, peers and other professionals

  • RIIA members have a fast track to developing an elite core of retirement planning practitioners

Gain a time-to-market advantage over competitors whose focus remains limited to traditional thinking and analysis

  • RIIA membership gives you access to a deep network of professionals across business segments.

Build customized advantages and opportunities with strategic partnerships

  • RIIA gives you access to advisors who earned the RMA designation, authors who write for the Retirement Management Journal® (RMJ®), experts who present in our Virtual Learning Center webinars, as well as researchers and academics who are engaged in retirement thought leadership, including partnership with RIIA on the production of material for clients, advisors and the media

RIIA provides engagement opportunities and events where thought leadership has a seat at the table to drive critical ideas and discussions

What Have Members Received from RIIA?

Our first ten years were focused on a dialog across the business silos to understand the strategic view and to address the practical impact of the “Three Disruptions” that retirement brings to the financial industry. As the industry experienced these disruptions, we built an invaluable network of clients, advisors, vendors, researchers and executives. In particular, this led to the development and validation of the RMA curriculum to take practitioners to a higher state of service.

Our first decade produced a portfolio of membership value captured in:

  • Nineteen professional conferences and cross-silo networking events with a strategic view
  • A LinkedIn group with more than 8,000 members
  • Unique intellectual property made available to all members
  • Eleven issues of the Retirement Management Journal
  • Twice-a-month Virtual Learning Center webinars
  • The Retirement Management Analyst professional designation with curriculum publications available on Amazon